Source code for wer.schema

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import hashlib
from os import path

from eulxml import xmlmap

from wer.helpers import DateField

    (0, 'Non Critical'),
    (1, 'Critical'),
    (2, 'Application Crash'),
    (3, 'Application Hang'),
    (4, 'Kernel Error')

    (1, 'User Document'),
    (2, 'Other')

[docs]class DictMixin(object): """ Mixin class in order to export :class:`eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject values to a Python dict"""
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Recusively exports object values to a dict :return: `dict`of values """ if not hasattr(self, '_fields'): return self.__dict__ result = dict() for field_name, field in self._fields.items(): if isinstance(field, xmlmap.NodeField): obj = getattr(self, field_name) if obj is None: result[field_name] = None elif not hasattr(obj, 'to_dict'): result[field_name] = obj.__dict__ else: result[field_name] = obj.to_dict() elif isinstance(field, xmlmap.NodeListField): objs = getattr(self, field_name) result[field_name] = list() for obj in objs: if not hasattr(obj, 'to_dict'): result[field_name].append(obj.__dict__) else: result[field_name].append(obj.to_dict()) else: result[field_name] = getattr(self, field_name) return result
[docs]class LoaderMixin(object): """ Loading XML into object mixin """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_file(cls, file_path, validate=True): """ Creates a Python object from a XML file :param file_path: Path to the XML file :param validate: XML should be validated against the embedded XSD definition :type validate: Boolean :returns: the Python object """ return xmlmap.load_xmlobject_from_file(file_path, xmlclass=cls, validate=validate)
[docs] def from_string(cls, xml_string, validate=True): """ Creates a Python object from a XML string :param xml_string: XML string :param validate: XML should be validated against the embedded XSD definition :type validate: Boolean :returns: the Python object """ return xmlmap.load_xmlobject_from_string(xml_string, xmlclass=cls, validate=validate)
class XmlObject(DictMixin, xmlmap.XmlObject): pass
[docs]class MachineInfo(XmlObject): """ MachineInfo complex type """ ROOT_NAME = 'MACHINEINFO' name = xmlmap.StringField('@machinename') """ Machine name :type `string` """ os = xmlmap.StringField('@os') """ Machine operating system version :type `string` """ lcid = xmlmap.IntegerField('@lcid') """ Machine language identifier :type `int` """ oem = xmlmap.StringField('@oem', required=False) """ Optional machine OEM name :type `string` """
[docs]class ApplicationInfo(XmlObject): """ ApplicationInfo complex type """ ROOT_NAME = 'APPLICATIONINFO' name = xmlmap.StringField('@appname') """ Application name :type `string` """ path = xmlmap.StringField('@apppath') """ Application executable path :type `string` """ company = xmlmap.StringField('@appcompany', required=False) """ Optional application company :type `string` """
[docs]class EventInfo(XmlObject): """ EventInfo complex type """ ROOT_NAME = 'EVENTINFO' report_type = xmlmap.IntegerField('@reporttype') """ Report type :type `int` """ type = xmlmap.StringField('@eventtype') """ Event type :type `string` """ time = DateField('@eventtime') """ Event date :type :class:`datetime.datetime`""" name = xmlmap.StringField('@friendlyeventname', required=False) """ Friendly event name :type `string` """ description = xmlmap.StringField('@eventdescription', required=False) """ Event description :type `string` """
[docs]class Parameter(XmlObject): """ Parameter complex type """ ROOT_NAME = 'PARAMETER' id = xmlmap.IntegerField('@id') """ Parameter ID :type `int`""" name = xmlmap.StringField('@name', required=False) """ Optional paramneter name :type `string`""" value = xmlmap.StringField('@value') """ Paramneter value :type `string`"""
[docs]class SecondaryParameter(XmlObject): """ Secondary parameter complex type """ ROOT_NAME = 'SECONDARYPARAMETER' id = xmlmap.IntegerField('@id') """ Parameter ID :type `int` """ value = xmlmap.StringField('@value') """ Paramneter value :type `string` """
[docs]class File(XmlObject): """ File complex type """ ROOT_NAME = 'FILE' name = xmlmap.StringField('@filename') """ File name :type `string` """ type = xmlmap.IntegerField('@filetype') """ File type :type `int` """
[docs]class Report(LoaderMixin, XmlObject): """ Windows Error Report """ ROOT_NAME = 'WERREPORT' XSD_SCHEMA = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'ms-cer2.xsd') machine = xmlmap.NodeField('MACHINEINFO', MachineInfo) """ Machine informations :type :class:`wer.schema.MachineInfo` """ user = xmlmap.StringField('USERINFO/@username') """ User informations :type :class:`wer.schema.UserInfo` """ application = xmlmap.NodeField('APPLICATIONINFO', ApplicationInfo, required=False) """ Application informations :type :class:`wer.schema.ApplicationInfo` """ event = xmlmap.NodeField('EVENTINFO', EventInfo) """ Event informations :type :class:`wer.schema.EventInfo` """ parameters = xmlmap.NodeListField('SIGNATURE/PARAMETER', Parameter) """ Event parameters :type list of :class:`wer.schema.Parameter` """ secondary_parameters = xmlmap.NodeListField('SIGNATURE/SECONDARYPARAMETER', SecondaryParameter) """ Event secondary parameters :type list of :class:`wer.schema.SecondaryParameter` """ files = xmlmap.NodeListField('FILES/FILE', File) """ Event attached files :type list of :class:`wer.schema.File` """ @property def id(self): """ Computes the signature of the record, a SHA-512 of significant values :return: SHa-512 Hex string """ h ='sha512') for value in (, self.machine.os, self.user,, self.application.path, self.event.report_type, self.event.type, self.event.time.isoformat()): h.update(str(value).encode('utf-8')) for parameter in sorted(self.parameters, key=lambda k: getattr(k, 'id')): h.update(parameter.value.encode('utf-8')) return h.hexdigest()
class ProcessVmInformation(XmlObject): ROOT_NAME = 'ProcessVmInformation' peak_virtual_size = xmlmap.IntegerField('PeakVirtualSize') virtual_size = xmlmap.IntegerField('VirtualSize') pagefault_count = xmlmap.IntegerField('PageFaultCount') peak_workingset_size = xmlmap.IntegerField('PeakWorkingSetSize') workingset_size = xmlmap.IntegerField('WorkingSetSize') quota_peak_paged_pool_usage = xmlmap.IntegerField('QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage') quota_paged_pool_usage = xmlmap.IntegerField('QuotaPagedPoolUsage') quota_peak_nonpaged_pool_usage = xmlmap.IntegerField('QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage') quota_nonpaged_pool_usage = xmlmap.IntegerField('QuotaPagedNonPoolUsage') pagefile_usage = xmlmap.IntegerField('PagefileUsage') peak_pagefile_usage = xmlmap.IntegerField('PeakPagefileUsage') private_usage = xmlmap.IntegerField('PrivateUsage') class ProcessInformation(XmlObject): ROOT_NAME = 'ProcessInformation' pid = xmlmap.IntegerField('Pid') image = xmlmap.StringField('ImageName') # Must generate more samples : bytes, string or integer ? cmd_line_signature = xmlmap.StringField('CmdLineSignature') uptime = xmlmap.IntegerField('Uptime') vm = xmlmap.NodeField('ProcessVmInformation', ProcessVmInformation) parent = xmlmap.NodeField('ParentProcess/ProcessInformation', 'self', required=False) class OSVersionInformation(XmlObject): ROOT_NAME = 'OSVersionInformation' version = xmlmap.StringField('WindowsNTVersion') build = xmlmap.IntegerField('Build') product = xmlmap.StringField('Product') edition = xmlmap.StringField('Edition') build_info = xmlmap.StringField('BuildString') revision = xmlmap.IntegerField('Revision') flavor = xmlmap.StringField('Flavor') architecture = xmlmap.StringField('Architecture') lcid = xmlmap.IntegerField('LCID') class SystemInformation(XmlObject): ROOT_NAME = 'SystemInformation' id = xmlmap.StringField('MID') manufacturer = xmlmap.StringField('SystemManufacturer') product = xmlmap.StringField('SystemProductName') bios_version = xmlmap.StringField('BIOSVersion') # TODO: Parse to date with timezone bias install_date = xmlmap.IntegerField('OSInstallDate') class SecureBootState(XmlObject): # TODO: generate more samples with secure boot enabled machines ROOT_NAME = 'SecureBootState' uefi_state = xmlmap.StringField('UEFISecureBootEnabled', required=False) class MetaParameter(XmlObject): id = xmlmap.IntegerField('substring(name(), 10)') value = xmlmap.StringField('text()') class ReportMetadata(LoaderMixin, XmlObject): ROOT_NAME = 'WERReportMetadata' XSD_SCHEMA = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'wer-metadata.xsd') os = xmlmap.NodeField('OSVersionInformation', OSVersionInformation) process = xmlmap.NodeField('ProcessInformation', ProcessInformation) system = xmlmap.NodeField('SystemInformation', SystemInformation) secure_boot = xmlmap.NodeField('SecureBootState', SecureBootState, required=False) parameters = xmlmap.NodeListField('ProblemSignatures/*[starts-with(name(), "Parameter")]', MetaParameter) dynamic_parameters = xmlmap.NodeListField('DynamicSignatures/*[starts-with(name(), "Parameter")]', MetaParameter) id = xmlmap.StringField('ReportInformation/Guid') created_on = xmlmap.StringField('ReportInformation/CreationTime')